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in AI and Deep Learning by (50.2k points)

I train a model and save it using:

saver = tf.train.Saver(), './my_model_name')

Besides the checkpoint file, which simply contains pointers to the most recent checkpoints of the model, this creates the following 3 files in the current path:

  1. my_model_name.meta

  2. my_model_name.index


I wonder what each of these files contains.

I'd like to load this model in C++ and run the inference. The label_image example loads the model from a single .bp file using ReadBinaryProto(). I wonder how I can load it from these 3 files. What is the C++ equivalent of the following?

new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('./my_model_name.meta')

new_saver.restore(session, './my_model_name')


1 Answer

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by (108k points)
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Best answer

The equivalent of

new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('./my_model_name.meta')

new_saver.restore(session, './my_model_name')

Is just

Status load_graph_status = LoadGraph(graph_path, &session);

The load operation needs the session in which to restore the graph definition or the path and variables.

For more information regarding the same, refer to the following link:

If you wish to learn about Tensor Flow visit this TensorFlow Tutorial.

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