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in SQL by (45k points)
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Could someone tell me what is Data Integrity in SQL?


4 Answers

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by (7.8k points)
Best answer
Data integrity in SQL refers to the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data stored in a database. It ensures that data meets certain quality standards and constraints. Data integrity is maintained through the implementation of rules and mechanisms that prevent data corruption, loss, or inconsistencies. This includes enforcing constraints such as primary key uniqueness, foreign key relationships, data type validations, and null value handling. By upholding data integrity, SQL ensures the trustworthiness and reliability of the data stored in a database, enabling accurate analysis, reporting, and decision-making.
0 votes
by (99k points)

Data Integrity is a term that is used in SQL, and that only means data accuracy and consistency. For the Data to have integrity, it needs to be consistent and accurate across the table. This is what Data Integrity means. If you are a novice in the field of SQL, then check out the SQL training course from Intellipaat, as they offer industry-grade training course along with several guided projects to help you enhance your job prospects. Watch the following video on SQL Tutorial to help you get a better idea.

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by (13k points)

Data Integrity in SQL refers to the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data stored in a database. It ensures that data meets certain rules, constraints, and relationships defined within the database schema. There are several types of data integrity:

Entity Integrity: Ensures that each row in a table has a unique identifier (primary key) and that it cannot be null.

Domain Integrity: Defines the permissible values for a given column, preventing invalid or inappropriate data from being stored.

Referential Integrity: Maintains the consistency between related tables by enforcing relationships through primary key and foreign key constraints.

Integrity Constraints: These are rules or conditions defined on tables to ensure the correctness of data. Examples include unique constraints, not-null constraints, and check constraints.

By enforcing data integrity, SQL databases ensure the reliability and accuracy of data, preventing data inconsistencies, anomalies, and errors.

0 votes
by (11.4k points)
Data integrity in SQL refers to the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data stored in a database. It ensures that data is valid, conforms to predefined rules or constraints, and maintains its integrity throughout its lifecycle.

SQL provides various mechanisms to enforce data integrity, such as:

Primary Keys: Ensures uniqueness and identifies each row in a table.

Foreign Keys: Maintains referential integrity by establishing relationships between tables.

Constraints: Define rules and conditions that data must adhere to, such as NOT NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, etc.

Triggers: Automatically execute actions when specific database events occur, ensuring data integrity.

Views: Present a subset of data from one or more tables, ensuring consistency and integrity.

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