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in Machine Learning by (19k points)

Could someone tell me what are the principles of Machine Learning?

1 Answer

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by (6.1k points)
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It is very known and obvious now that the applications of Machine Learning and AI are gaining more importance rapidly. In fact, some government organizations have stepped in to invest in this [articular field. Let’s have a look at the fundamental concepts.

Foundations of Machine Learning

You should be very much familiar with the main three concepts before beginning Machine Learning. 

  1. Programming fundamentals

Before beginning, choose a programming language. You can achieve ML using various languages available but Python is the most recommended language. You can also choose to work with R because they have large online support.

These are the basics listed down below which should be covered first ideally in Python.

Comments, Variables, Data Types, Type Conversion, OperatorsNamespacing, and ScopesFlow Control, if, elif, else, for, while, nested loops, File Handling.  The moment you master these concepts move forward to the next level of concepts like Object-Oriented Programming, Data structures, and some basic Algorithms (sorting and searching algorithms). Always try to write the code by your own. Then get a good grip on some Python libraries like Pandas, NumPy, etc., These libraries will be necessary for data pre-processing.

  1. Mathematics

Maths has become a necessity to understand the working of Machine Learning algorithms.

There are four important Mathematical topics that one should learn to make Machine Learning easier.

  • Linear Algebra

  • Multivariate Calculus

  • Probability

  • Statistics

  1. Computer Science fundamentals

You need to have proficient knowledge of some computer fundamental concepts like caching, image or video processing, deadlock conditions. These all concepts will be very helpful when you will dive deep into Machine Learning.

If you want to become an expert in Machine Learning, check out this Machine Learning course offered by Intellipaat.

See this Machine Learning Course for more information :

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