This is not very complicated, and this is how an EC2 instance can be started:
private String startInstance(final String instanceId, AmazonEC2 ec2, final BuildLogger buildLogger)
throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException, InterruptedException
StartInstancesRequest startRequest = new StartInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(instanceId);
StartInstancesResult startResult = ec2.startInstances(startRequest);
List<InstanceStateChange> stateChangeList = startResult.getStartingInstances();
buildLogger.addBuildLogEntry("Starting instance '" + instanceId + "':");
// Wait for the instance to be started
return waitForTransitionCompletion(stateChangeList, "running", ec2, instanceId, buildLogger); }
I found this code which is completely available on Bitbucket and this is the link -
Check out these links for more insight and to learn functions about Starting, Stopping, and Rebooting instances.