I am new to Machine Learning, so please have that in mind before answering. I came across challenges trying to train a neural network in workbench using CNTK with ResNet model. I followed this tutorial provided by azure [1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/desktop-workbench/scenario-image-classification-using-cntk
My first dataset a subset from ImageNet consisting of 900 images with 4 different classes car, bus, van, and truck. Afterwards, I used a subset of the dataset provided from the link underneath. [2] http://podoce.dinf.usherbrooke.ca/challenge/dataset/
I used 9000 images of the dataset divided equally into four different into the same classes as with ImageNet and started training my network.
The classifier I used for this was the DNN classifier with the following configuration:
rf_pretrainedModelFilename = "ResNet_50.model"
rf_inputResoluton = 224
rf_dropoutRate = 0.5
rf_mbSize = 10
rf_maxEpochs = 30
rf_maxTrainImages = float('inf')
rf_lrPerMb = [0.01] * 10 + [0.001] * 10 + [0.0001]
rf_momentumPerMb = 0.9
rf_l2RegWeight = 0.0005
rf_boFreezeWeights = False
rf_boBalanceTrainingSet = False images
After training the model I got an overall accuracy of 96.80% with all classes having an accuracy > 92 %. All well and done, but when I tested various other test images, my confidence score was 12.9895 at its highest peak. I got a JSON object returned like this: Image classified as 'Bus' with confidence score 12.9895.
{\"score\": \"12.9895\", \"Id2Labels\": \"{0: 'Bus', 1: 'Truck', 2: '
Car', 3: 'Van'}\", \"label\": \"Bus\", \"executionTimeMs\": \"128.749\",
\"allScores\": \"[ 12.98949814 3.51014233 -6.96435881 -6.89878178]\"}"
The value 12.9895 must mean 12.9895% possibility for the image being a bus, right? and why is it not returned as a value between 0 and 1? Please correct me if I am wrong, as I do get confused over the various terms being used in Machine Learning for the same thing.
Why are the minus values there, I thought the activation function took care of the minus values?
Should I include an even larger dataset or maybe better image quality to improve my score?
Any other suggestions on how I can improve my score?
The score was low on both datasets mentioned, (Subset from ImageNet and MIO). A humble thank you, for taking the time answering these questions.