I encountered an issue is it possible to predefine a contract by assigning alloc -> code field like this,
However, it seems like no matter which method in the contract I call, it always returns the Bytecode of the contract itself regardless of the logic and content of this method.
And this might be the reason when I deploy a contract:
When I call test(), obtaining:
which is not a string.
When I call test2(), obtaining:
which is a very big number.
When I call test3(1), obtaining a false, which is not 1 == 1.
I have taken a look through the related threads, found this, https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/30366/how-does-the-genesis-json-file-define-the-initial-state-of-the-blockchain
It looks like the storage setting is necessary but I have totally no idea what key/value I should write.
How could I deal with this case then?