I have heard about a programming language called AIML which can be used for programming Intelligent Robots. I am a web developer and have a web crawler build using Python 2.7 and have indexed Wikipedia...
So, I wanted to build an answering engine using python which would use a string variable (It is a HUGE variable containing the whole of Wikipedia) as a source of information and use AI to answer...
Finally, I wanted to put this up on my school website...
So can I do that in AIML?
Later on, I also want to modify it so as to give my live scores answers to questions like:
"What is the age of ~someperson~?" etc. For that, I'll send my web crawler to index some score pages, etc.
Can I program this sort of answering agent in AIML?
If yes please provide links to tutorials that tell me how to do that? (using string variables as a source of information to parse queries and answer like a human)
moreover, AIML uses syntax like:
<pattern>WHAT ARE YOU</pattern>
<think><set name="topic">Me</set></think>
I am the latest result in artificial intelligence,
which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain
with greater speed and accuracy.
Where a pattern is a query and template is the answer, so does that mean I have to sit and write these tags for all possible queries?
Or can I make it use its brains to figure out what the person wants and give them answers using the string variable as its source of information?
Thank you.