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in DevOps and Agile by (19.7k points)

As we know from official TestNG documentation:

@BeforeClass: The annotated method will be run before the first test method in the current class is invoked.

@BeforeTest: The annotated method will be run before any test method belonging to the classes inside the <test> tag is run.

Both the above TestNG annotations look similar in functionality. However, there should be a unique difference in the feature. Can anyone please emphasize this?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (62.9k points)


 public abstract class SeleniumAbstractTest {


  public void beforeSuite() {




  public void beforeTest() {




  public void beforeClass() {




  public void beforeMethod() {




  public void afterMethod() {




  public void afterClass() {




  public void afterTest() {




  public void afterSuite() {





public class MyTestClass1 extends SeleniumAbstractTest {



  public void myTestMethod1() {





  public void myTestMethod2() {





public class MyTestClass2 extends SeleniumAbstractTest {



  public void myTestMethod3() {





  public void myTestMethod4() {




If you have the following Test Suite...

<suite name="Suite">

  <test name="Test1" >


       <class name="MyTestClass2" />




  <test name="Test2">


      <class name="MyTestClass1"/>

      <class name="MyTestClass2"/>




... then the output [indented for easy reading] will be


'   BeforeTest

'   ' BeforeClass

'   ' '   BeforeMethod

'   ' '   ' myTestMethod3

'   ' '   AfterMethod

'   ' '   BeforeMethod

'   ' '   ' myTestMethod4

'   ' '   AfterMethod

'   ' AfterClass

'   AfterTest

'   BeforeTest

'   ' BeforeClass

'   ' '   BeforeMethod

'   ' '   ' myTestMethod1

'   ' '   AfterMethod

'   ' '   BeforeMethod

'   ' '   ' myTestMethod2

'   ' '   AfterMethod

'   ' AfterClass

'   ' BeforeClass

'   ' '   BeforeMethod

'   ' '   ' myTestMethod3

'   ' '   AfterMethod

'   ' '   BeforeMethod

'   ' '   ' myTestMethod4

'   ' '   AfterMethod

'   ' AfterClass

'   AfterTest


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