I have created a simple URL action that loads an image when one clicks on a name. I have a dashbaord with two sheets and an webpage between them. The first sheet shows the stats of a particular name. The second sheet is a table of names being used as a filter to control what stats and webpage are shown. The webpage is an image link that shows a picture that corresponds to the name. I am using a URL action that pulls the full image link from the data file.
When I create the dashboard on my own computer the images show up with no issues. However, when I published online through Tableau Public the images do not show up. I am not getting an 'X' or 'image not found' error but just a blank white square.
Does this have something to do with the version I am using (Tableau 8.2 Public Professional Edition) or is there another issue I am not realizing.
Any guidance would be most appreciated.