I am lost on how to implement a full revoke functionality on Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK. Is there a way of grabbing a generated CRL and updating the MSP folder or configuration block in a network using Hyperledger Fabric node SDK? I am trying to revoke a certificate, generate a CRL and then update the configuration blocks, and is this last part that I am unsure of how to proceed.
As far as I know, this is the flow that I should follow:
- revokeFabricUser
- generateCRL
- fetchConfigBlock
- createConfigUpdatePayloadWithCRL
- updateConfigBlock
- queryAsRevokedUser (this should fail)
I can find options for both revoking and generating CRL but I can´t seem to find anything about how to use the CRL to update the network. Is there a way of doing this whole process using Node SDK? Thanks for any help.