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in Salesforce by (11.9k points)

I took over a Rails app and am trying to get the API credentials set up for my user account.

I'm set as a system admin with "Developer Mode" on (though I have no clue what that does, I just saw it set on the previous account.)

We have a sandbox. I click the login link on it, enter my sandbox username ([email protected]), enter my password, and get "Login attempt has failed".

I know my password is okay since I've logged into the production site several times. Using different domains (, etc) doesn't help either.

Edit to clarify where I'm stuck:

I'm logged into the production site and under "my sandboxes" there's a login link next to each sandbox which takes you to the correct server and pre-fills your sandbox username.

So, my issues are with that, getting logged into the sandbox web interface.

I do understand the security tokens and have my production API stuff set up, but I'd rather try my changes out on the sandbox first! From the examples I've seen, the sandbox security tokens are different, so I'm trying to log into the sandbox web interface for that.

1 Answer

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by (32.1k points)
Hey I think your user account has been created afte rthe Sandbox. That is why it isn't iin the Sandbox.

You could use sandbox refresh to add your account in the Sandbox.

This should pretty much solve your query.

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