I have a simple trigger which pulls data from the lead object and places it into a custom "Finance" object when the lead is created or updated. For some reason, the Trigger.new[i].Id is returning NULL in the trigger which fires before insert.
I'm going crazy because I can't see any reason why the Id would be NULL... Here's my code:
trigger FinanceNew on Lead (before insert) {
Map<String,User> userList = new Map<String,User>{};
// Places each returned user into a map with their sfID as the key
for(User tmp : [SELECT Id,Name,Email,Phone FROM User]){
for(integer i = 0; i<Trigger.new.size(); i++){
string leadName = null;
if(Trigger.new[i].FirstName != ''){
leadName = Trigger.new[i].FirstName + ' ' + Trigger.new[i].LastName;
leadName = Trigger.new[i].LastName;
User ownerInfo = userList.get(Trigger.new[i].OwnerId);
ID leadId = Trigger.new[i].Id; // THIS IS RETURNING NULL!!
Finance__c financeRecord = new Finance__c(
Name = leadName,
Lead__c = leadId,
Lead_Email__c = Trigger.new[i].Email,
Lead_Phone__c = Trigger.new[i].Phone,
Lead_Owner_Name__c = ownerInfo.Name,
Lead_Owner_Email__c = ownerInfo.Email,
Lead_Owner_Phone__c = ownerInfo.Phone
insert financeRecord;