I want to develop a two-player game with imperfect information - "Stratego".
The game is "somewhat" like chess but initially, we don't know anything about the ranks of the opponent's pieces. When a piece attacks or is attacked by some opponent's piece, their ranks are revealed and the higher rank piece kills/captures the lower rank piece. More detail on the game can be found here.
I did a little research. I read "Opponent Modeling in Stratego" by J.A. Stankiewicz. But I couldn't find a complete tutorial on how to develop the game. I have successfully developed before a two-player game - "Othello" a.k.a. Reversi, and I'm familiar with MINIMAX algorithm and alpha-beta pruning.
I found somewhere that Monte-Carlo Tree Search is also used in developing zero-sum two-player games. Can it be used for games like Stratego? Can I get a complete tutorial for the same?
Any other tutorial not involving Monte-Carlo Tree Search would also be useful :)