I am using Tableau 8.2.
I would like to sort, but I am having difficulty trying to get to my end result.
I have an item number: the item numbers are repeated multiple times. I have a criteria1 field and a criteria2 field.
I would like to experiment sorting on all the criteria1 fields, then all the criteria2 fields.
For my rows, I have "item number", "criteria1", "criteria2", along with other data. When I click above the "criteria1" in the list of rows, I get a "sort" function.
The sort function has severed different combinations:
The first is "sort order", there are clicks for "ascending" and "descending".
Next is "sort by", there are clicks for "data source order", "alphabetic" and "field". The "field" has a combobox for different field names.
The last group is for "manual". This shows all values, but not in true sort order.
I have tried using many different combinations for the sort, but cannot get it to work the way I would like. I would like a sort across all the items, descending.
How can I get the sort to sort descending across all the items, first by "criteria1"? Then, how can I sort by "criteria2"?