If I understand the question correctly you have client sites that refer to your site by embedding IFrames in their webpages the point to your site. You wish to "ensure" that the requests are coming from host page which itself is part of a designated set of sites. The set of designated sites is described by a set of IP addresses. Does that cover it?
Tricky. First off lets assume you've got a referer. You will need to aquire the host name from it (easy enough using the Uri type). Then you need to resolve the IP address for the host name using DNS (again not too difficult with .NET framework).
Of course you need to get a referer and that is the trickiest bit. Browsers do not always place a referer header in the request. This is especially true when the referee address is not in the same domain as the referer, which is the case here. IOW, this is a showstopper.
A better approach to solving this problem (and is not prone to spoofing) is to use some hash based authentication. Doesn't have to be too sophisticated (if the original requirements felt the referer testing was sufficient anyway).
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