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in AI and Deep Learning by (50.2k points)

Is there a recommended design pattern for designing an AI scenario consisting of multiple intelligent agents that do not necessarily have to interact with each other.

Thinking it is a schema that follows proper object construction and deconstruction? Some multiplexing forking a new agent and subsequently deleting the agent once the job is complete

Any recommendations here?


1 Answer

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by (108k points)
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Best answer

Some design patterns for designing an AI scenario consisting of multiple intelligent agents are as follows:

  1. Traveling: Patterns such as Itinerary, Forwarding, and Ticket encapsulate the movement of an agent for one or more destinations.

  2. Task: Patterns such as Master-Slave and Plan are concerned with the break-down of the task and how these tasks are committed to one or more agents.

  3. Interaction: Pattern like Meeting, Locker, Messenger, Facilitator, and Organized Group are involved with locating agents and facilitating their interactions.

You can take the reference from the following link:
