I have some strings with all kinds of different emojis/images/signs in them.
Not all the strings are in English -- some of them are in other non-Latin languages, for example:
▓ railway??
→ Cats and dogs
I'm on
Apples ⚛
✅ Vi sign
♛ I'm the king ♛
Corée ♦ du Nord ☁ (French)
gjør at både ◄╗ (Norwegian)
Star me ★
Star ⭐ once more
早上好 ♛ (Chinese)
Καλημέρα ✂ (Greek)
another ✓ sign ✓
добрай раніцы ✪ (Belarus)
◄ शुभ प्रभात ◄ (Hindi)
✪ ✰ ❈ ❧ Let's get together ★. We shall meet at 12/10/2018 10:00 AM at Tony's.❉
...and many more of these.
I would like to get rid of all these signs/images and to keep only the letters (and punctuation) in the different languages.
I tried to clean the signs using the EmojiParser library:
String withoutEmojis = EmojiParser.removeAllEmojis(input);
The problem is that EmojiParser is not able to remove the majority of the signs. The ♦ sign is the only one I found till now that it removed. Other signs such as ✪ ❉ ★ ✰ ❈ ❧ ✂ ❋ ⓡ ✿ ♛ are not removed.
Is there a way to remove all these signs from the input strings and keeping only the letters and punctuation in the different languages?