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in DevOps and Agile by (106k points)

What are some of the best examples of well-written code on GitHub?

1 Answer

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by (47.6k points)

One of the best examples of well-written code on GitHub is the code of Linux I am mentioning the link here you can check it: torvalds/linux.

There is also a projects which is very good is the TensorFlow projects, the developers of TensorFlow did such a great job that I usually read their code instead of documentation here is the link: tensorflow/tensorflow. If you are a beginner to the GitHub you should learn it immediately as the need arises to learn GitHub in detail which is necessary for a programmer you can learn it by taking up the GitHub training course. If you like to read then you can have a look at the GitHub tutorial. If you want to learn it by watching the video tutorial then you can have a look at the following tutorial:-
