I'm having trouble installing d3 typings. I followed Microsoft's instructions at https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-visuals/blob/master/Tutorial/Typings.md as well as what Sachin Patney does in his video at
Running "npm install typings -g" appears to work fine.
Running "typings install --save --global dt~d3" or "typings i dt~d3 -G" both yield this error: "typings ERR! message Attempted to compile "d3" as a global module, but it looks like an external module. You'll need to remove the global option to continue."
If I remove the global option, it adds the typings info in my visual's folder using a "modules" folder in the path instead of a "globals" folder (i.e., MyVisual|typings|modules|d3 instead of MyVisual|typings|globals|d3). Intellisense also doesn't work for d3.
Any idea why I can't install d3 typings globally?