For Python 3.4, There's a module called PyPDF2, you have to install it if you want to work with PDFs in python 3.4.
This PyPDF2 helps in extracting text and returns it as a Python string.
Run this code in the command line to install it,
pip install pyPdf2
In this module name, 'y' is lowercase, it is case sensitive. So, make sure you give 'y' in lowercase and other letters in uppercase
>>> import PyPDF2
>>> pdfFileObj = open('my_file.pdf','rb') #'rb' for read binary mode
>>> pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
>>> pdfReader.numPages
>>> pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(9) #'9' is the page number
>>> pageObj.extractText()
In the above code, the last statement returns the entire text available on page 9 of the document my_file.pdf
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