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in GCP by (29.3k points)

While adding Google Cloud trial for the first time, as a user of Amazon EC2 world and I got stuck, while trying log in into VM using ssh.

I created a new Linux instance in GCP. A blank screen is present while in the creating form where should  paste in an existing ssh key, I didn't have one yet. Where in AWS it will take me through the key creation process. Is there any way to have ssh key in GCP.

1 Answer

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by (50.2k points)
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Here in GCP,  You need to create a key using the external key generator to add a key. Unlike in AWS, the key will be generated automatically at the end. Here you need to generate kye in Puttygen. And paste the key inside GCP. 

For more details, refer to the below tutorial on Google cloud certification.

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