Sort by the integer value of every component, just as whether that component is an integer:
>>> a = [1, 3, '2', 2, '1', '3', 3, '10', 10, 'potato', "1'", lambda: None, '-3', -3, -4]
>>> sorted(a, key=lambda x: (int(''.join(v for i,v in enumerate(str(x)) if v.isdigit() or (i==0 and v=='-')) or 0), isinstance(x, int)))
[-4, '-3', -3, 'potato', '1', "1'", 1, '2', 2, '3', 3, 3, '10', 10, <function <lambda> at 0x000000DAD51DB9D8>]
On the off chance that two components have a similar integer value, the string will be set before the integer.