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in RPA by (12.7k points)
How to execute a workflow on a PC which doesn't have the UiPath Studio or UiPath Robot installed?

I have been working with UiPath to automate workflows using UiPath Studio and UiPath Robot (both locally and on localhost through Orchestrator) and was successful.

I have been through the following videos from academy.uipath :

Lesson Orchestrator 2018.2 - Video Part 1

Lesson Orchestrator 2018.2 - Video Part 2

I am aware I need to:

Add a host as a Standard Machine first

Then add a Standard Robot

Further provision the Robot within the Orchestrator settings.

Now I want to execute a workflow on a bare PC that doesn't have either the UiPath Studio or UiPath Robot installed.

So my questions are:

(Q1): Is an installation of UiPath Studio and/or UiPath Robot the bare minimum requirement to execute a workflow through a UiPath Robot, guided through the UiPath Orchestrator?

Windows Installation can be done through:



(Q2): Can I install UiPath Robot only (excluding the UiPath Studio) using either of the installers?

I had used the UiPathStudioSetup Application which installs both UiPath Studio and UiPath Robot by default. So:

(Q3): Would UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe allow me to install the UiPath Robot individually?

(Q4): Would a Robot installed through UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe communicate with Orchestrator CE

Note: As per Free Trial or Community Edition UiPath RPA Software my understanding is:

UiPathStudio.msi is for The UiPath Community Edition

UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe is for The UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform

(Q5): Am I correct?

1 Answer

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by (29.5k points)

Hi, I will try to answer each one, one by one.

(A1)The minimum requirements are:

  1. UiPath Studio along with preinstalled UiPath Robot (UiPathStudio.msi)

  2. Orchestrator with UiPath Robot separately installed (UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe) (Manage, schedule, monitor multiple robots/environments and importantly using Queues)

  3. UiPath Robot (Just execute existing workflows, check their logs)

(A2): Yes you can install only the Robot without the studio if you run the setup file as administrator and perform a custom setup

(A3): Yes as per (Q2) the only difference is that this installer comes along with Orchestrator, which you can choose to skip in custom installation.

(A4): Yes if you provision the Robot to the respected Orchestrator

UiPathStudio.msi is for The UiPath Community Edition
UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe is for The UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform


(A5): Yes you are. You can request the Community Edition if you are an individual or small company or the Enterprise Trial if you are an enterprise
