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in Python by (16.4k points)

I have a dataset underneath and I needed to perform univariate analysis on Income Category as the example plot shown. Here the fact is in the Number category 1 is treated as Male and 0 will be treated as female. 

Is there any path conceivable to solve this.

Income  Population  Number  Category

54        77           1       A

23        88           1       A

44        87           0       B

55        88           0       B

66        89           1       B

73        90           0       A

12        89           1       C

34        9            0       C

54        77           1       A

23        88           1       A

44        87           0       B

55        88           0       B

66        89           1       B

73        90           0       A

12        89           1       C

34        9            0       C

1 Answer

0 votes
by (26.4k points)

Try the below code, which is basically used to perform Bivariate and Univariate analysis.

import seaborn as sns

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Income': [54,23,44,55,66,],




### Univariate analysis

sns.distplot(df.Income) # numeric

sns.boxplot(df.Income) # numeric


sns.countplot(df.Category) # categorical


## Bivariate analysis

sns.jointplot('Income', 'Population', data = df, kind='scatter')

sns.lmplot(df.Income, df.Population, data=df, hue='Number', fit_reg=False)

sns.countplot(Category, hue = 'Number', data=df)

## Multivariate analysis

sns.pairplot(df.select_dtypes(include=[, np.float]])

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