In case of problems with a node of a Kubernetes cluster you probably want to read the log files on a node of the Kubernetes Cluster, as described here. This Kubernetes cluster is created with Azure Container Service (ACS).
The following steps describe how to connect:
Here, I am using the Linux Bash Shell for Windows to do this.
1. Ensure that the private ssh key is located in the .ssh directory with a name to find the cluster.
In bash copy the ssh file from your windows drive to the .ssh directory in bash:
$ cp /mnt/c/repos/myproject/ssh/privatekeyopenssl .ssh/myproject-privatesshkey
(Don’t copy the file in Windows to C:\Users\ThisPC\AppData\Local\lxss\home\pascal\.ssh\ to make it available in Linux)
2. You then have to create an ssh config file that looks like this (for a cluster with a master and 2 nodes):
Host Master
Port 22
User azureuser
IdentityFile /pascal/.ssh/myproject-privatesshkey
Host Node01
Port 22
User azureuser
ProxyCommand ssh -F /pascal/.ssh/config-myproject -q master -W %h:%p
IdentityFile /pascal/.ssh/myproject-privatesshkey
Host node02
Port 22
User azureuser
ProxyCommand ssh -F /pascal/.ssh/config-myproject -q master -W %h:%p
IdentityFile /pascal/.ssh/myproject-privatesshkey
You have to make sure that:
a) The HostName at the top is the name or the IP-address of your cluster
b) The HostName of the other sections (the nodes) is the IP-addresses of the nodes in your cluster. You can get the ip-addresses of the nodes with the Azure CLI:
az vm list-ip-addresses –resource-group “my-resourcegroup”
c) You can optionally add an extra alias to Host. Just separate with space. For example the VM name: Host node02 k8s-agent-E4126C94-1
d) The “User” (azureuser) is the name of the user which you used to provision the cluster
e) All paths (all paths with /pascal) are correct.
Type $ pwd and in my case, it results in: /home/pascal
Use the last part in your config
f) All “IdentityFile” reference the ssh config file you have created in step 1. In this sample myproject-privatesshkey.
g) All “ProxyCommand” references the name of the file itself. So save the file with a name
to identify the config. In this sample:
h) This file is also located in the .ssh directory. In my case I had to copy it from Windows
to Linux:
$ cp /mnt/c/repos/myproject/ssh/config-myproject .ssh/config-myproject
3. Now you can connect to the master, or any of the nodes easy.
To the master:
ssh -F ~/.ssh/config-myproject master
Or to node02 for example:
ssh -F ~/.ssh/config-myproject node02
You can copy files with this configuration also, like:
scp -F ~/.ssh/config-myproject node02:/var/log/* logs