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in Azure by (45.3k points)

I was trying to invoke the data factory pipeline from azure function programmatically. It's throwing following error.


AuthorizationFailed: The client 'XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX' with object id 'XXX829e05'XXXX-XXXXX' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datapipelines/read' over scope '/subscriptions/XXXXXX-4bf5-84c6-3a352XXXXXX/resourcegroups/fffsrg/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/ADFTestFFFS/datapipelines/ADFTutorialPipelineCustom'.

I tried to search similar issues, but none of the search results gave me a solution to my problem, Can you please guide us what could be the issue?

The objective is to, run data factory pipeline whenever file being added to the blob. so to achieve the result we are trying to invoke data factory pipeline from an azure function using blob trigger.

1 Answer

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by (16.8k points)
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Step 1: First, you login into the azure portal 
Step 2: After that, you need to find the Subscriptions in left side menu bar and click.
enter image description here

Are you interested in learning Azure from basics! Here's the right video for you on Azure provided by Intellipaat:

Step 3: Click on the Access Control IAM and then click on Add.enter image description here

Step 4: In Add Permission window, select contributor for role. In select input box, type the app name you created in Azure AD (Created in Azure Active Directory)and select it. In my case I created Azure Resource Management.enter image description here

Are you interested in learning Azure Data factory Training! Here's the right video for you on Azure Data factory Training provided by Intellipaat:

Step 5:After you have given successful permission, click on Refresh in your subscription window and you will see your app showing in the list. See below example. enter image description here

The client with object id does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datapipelines/read' over scope
by (100 points)
Thanks! nice explanation and its working

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