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in Azure by (45.3k points)

Error installing component: "The action failed catastrophically with

Microsoft.MachineLearning.Installer.Engine.Actions.RegisteredActions.AzureCliException: Unable to get list of currently installed Azure CLI extensions


Microsoft.MachineLearning.Installer.Engine.Actions.RegisteredActions.InstallAzureCliExtensionAction.d__23.MoveNext() in C:\swarm\workspace\Installer-1.2\Installer.Engine\Actions\RegisteredActions\InstallAzureCliExtensionAction.cs:line 97

from there everything is stops....

1 Answer

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by (16.8k points)

Since, the Workbench is a preview product and there are many chances of issues occurence. You can get a newer .exe and try again. 

It also seems like you have some issues with the Azure Powershell, which of course was expected to be taken care of by the installer, but perhaps you can try and install azure powershell first.

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