I am using amazon s3 bucket as the image server. And I want to use a subdomain of my site, how to address this bucket. eg: a picture is now in: "https:/ /s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/nomeBucket/pasta/img.png", and I access it through this same link.
Would that it were so: imagens.mydomain.com.br / folder / img.png Is there any way I can do this? appoint a subdomain address to a bucket? I've tried the amazon route 53, as CNAME. I tried this: https:/ /s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/nomeBucket/
I took the test yesterday, but apparently it did not work. Someone already did something similar, and / or know how to help me?
Note: I'm using nginx. also need to configure it for subdomain?
Thank you