I have an Amazon EC2 Machine running Ubuntu 10.04.
The default user, ubuntu's .bashrc seems to be behaving properly, but if I ssh or su to the second user, Kunsan, it doesn't display properly until I run bash:
Ex 1.) Changing user with su
kunsan@home ~$ ssh ubuntu@EC2
ubuntu@EC2:~$ su kunsan
$ bash
kunsan@EC2: $
Ex 2.) SSH-ing indirectly as the user
kunsan@home ~$ ssh mikey@EC2
/home/kunsan/.bashrc: 13: shopt: not found
/home/kunsan/.bashrc: 21: shopt: not found
/home/kunsan/.bashrc: 99: shopt: not found
/etc/bash_completion: 33: [[: not found
/etc/bash_completion: 39: [[: not found
/etc/bash_completion: 52: Bad substitution
\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]\u@\h:\w$
\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]\u@\h:\w$ bash
I've tried playing around with ~/.profile and ~/.bash_login to include
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
but so far, nothing has seemed to do the trick.