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in Azure by (45.3k points)

I am currently trying to setup a continuous integration system using VSTS and have run into a bit of a snag. As part of the release process I need to update a specific object value in a JSON file depending on the environment. The only tools it seems I have at my disposal that might get this done in the VSTS environment is PowerShell.

I've done quite a bit of research and have not been able to figure out how exactly this can be done. I found this question and answer here on Stack Overflow "How do I update JSON file using PowerShell" but executing the script provided in the answer changes the structure of the JSON file substantially and adds quite a bit of what looks like PowerShell metadata.

Ideally, I would like to take an existing JSON file that gets deployed and update the value of the connectionString property in the example JSON below.


    "policies": {

         "Framework.DataContext": {

         "connectionString": "Server=ServerName;Database=DateBaseName;Integrated Security=sspi;"



Does anyone have any advice on how to accomplish this? So far I have tried running the following script but it throws a "The property 'connectionString' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set." exception. I have verified that the object traversal is correct and the connectionString property exists.

$pathToJson = "D:\Path\To\JSON\file.json"

$a = Get-Content $pathToJson | ConvertFrom-Json

$a.policies.'Framework.DataContext'.connectionString = "Server=ServerName;Database=DateBaseName;Integrated Security=sspi;"

$a | ConvertTo-Json | set-content $pathToJson

The full contents of file.json are as follows:


"log": {

    "level": 0,

    "file": "c:\\temp\\simport.log",

    "formats": {

        "error": null,

        "start": null,

        "requestBegin": null,

        "requestWork": "",

        "requestError": null,

        "requestEnd": null,

        "stop": null


    "eventLog": {

        "name": "Application"



"diagnostic": {

    "stackTrace": false


"api": {

    "simport": true


"roles": {

    "0": "Anonymous",

    "1": "Administrator",

    "2": "Participant",

    "3": "Facilitator"


"pathType": {

    "area": 1,

    "region": 2,

    "session": 3,

    "team": 4


"scenarios": {

    "default": {

       "default": true,

        "initState": "Init",

        "rounds": [


                "name": "round1",

                "displayName": "R1",

                "beginTime": 1,

                "endTime": 3



                "name": "round2",

                "displayName": "R2",

                "beginTime": 4,

                "endTime": 6



                "name": "round3",

                "displayName": "R3",

                "beginTime": 7,

                "endTime": 9



                "name": "round4",

                "displayName": "R4",

                "beginTime": 10,

                "endTime": 12





"simportQueries": {

    "package": "bin/"


"customQueries": {

    "package": "app/config/",

    "parameters": {



"audit": {

    "Path.Create": true,

    "Path.Delete": true,

    "Team.Create": true,

    "Team.Update": true,

    "Team.Delete": true,

    "SimportData.SaveValues": true


"tasks": {

    "task1": {

        "state": "",

        "required": "",

        "completed": "C:Task1Status:+0"



"feedback": {

    "welcome": {

        "text": {

            "": "en-us",

            "en-us": "Welcome"




"contentCategories": {

    "demo1": {

        "round": 1



"policies": {

    "Simport.Web.Module": {

        "fileMask": ".aspx,.asmx",

        "deny": {

            "statusCode": 404,

            "statusDescription": "Not found",

            "location": [







        "formDataContentType": [ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ]


    "Framework.DataContext": {

        "connectionString": "Server=(local);Database=Simport3;Integrated Security=sspi;",

        "commandTimeout": 30


    "Simport.Security": {

        "passwordEncryption": "",

        "passwordSalt": "",

        "passwordPolicy": {

            "disabled": true,

            "min": 8,

            "max": 100,

            "rules": [

                { "id": "digit", "pattern": "\\d+", "flags": "i" },

                { "id": "letter", "pattern": "\\w+", "flags": "i" },

                { "id": "upper", "pattern": "[A-Z]+" },

                { "id": "lower", "pattern": "[a-z]+" },

                { "id": "special", "pattern": "[\\!#@\\$_~]+", "flags": "i" },

                { "id": "prohibited", "pattern": "[\\\\/'\"\\?\\^&\\+\\-\\*\\%\\:;,\\.]+", "flags": "gi", "match": false }




    "Simport.PackageDefinition": {

        "path": "~/app/config/manifest.xml"


    "Security.SignIn": {

        "result": {

            "default": "u,p,p.props,t"


        "claims": [

            [ "userId", "firstName", "lastName" ]



    "Security.GetContext": {

        "result": {

            "default": "u,p,p.props,pr,t"



    "Security.ChangePassword": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ]


    "Security.ResetPassword": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2 ]


    "Security.Register": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 0 ],

        "!pathType-0": 4,

        "!roleId-0": 2


    "Path.Create": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ]


    "Path.Select": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "result-1": {



    "Path.Delete": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2 ]


    "User.Select": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "result": {

            "select": [ "id", "pathid", "roleid", "name", "email", "login", "props" ],

            "restrict": [ "password" ]


        "result-1": {

            "select": "*",

            "group": true



    "User.Create": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2 ],

        "result": {

            "select": [ "id", "pathid", "roleid", "name", "email", "login", "props" ],

            "restrict": [ "password" ]


        "result-1": {

            "select": "*",

            "group": true



    "User.Update": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "result": {

            "select": [ "id", "pathid", "roleid", "name", "email", "login", "props" ],

            "restrict": [ "password" ]



    "User.Delete": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2 ],

        "result": {

            "restrict": [ "password" ]



    "Session.Select": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "enforcePathLevel": true,

        "result": {

            "default": [ "name", "beginDate", "endDate" ],

            "restrict": [ "password" ]


        "result-1": {

            "default": [ "name", "beginDate", "endDate" ],

            "treeAllowed": true,

            "treeDefault": false



    "Session.Create": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2 ],

        "enforcePathLevel": true


    "Session.Update": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2 ],

        "enforcePathLevel": true,

        "update-restictions": [ "password" ],

        "update-restictions-1": [ ],

        "result": {

            "restrict": [ "password" ]



    "Session.Delete": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2 ],

        "result": {

            "restrict": [ "password" ]



    "Team.Select": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "enforcePathLevel": false,

        "enforcePathLevel-1": true,

        "result-1": {

            "treeAllowed": true,

            "treeDefault": false



    "Team.Create": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "enforcePathLevel": true,

        "enforcePathLevel-1": false,

        "allowMultiple": false,

        "allowMultiple-1": true,

        "result": {


        "overrides": {

            "roleID": 3



    "Team.Reset": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ]


    "Team.Delete": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "deleteMultiple": true,

        "result": {

            "default": "t"



    "Team.TransitionTo": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "inboundRules": {

            "Round1Init": {

                "allowedRoles": [ ]



        "outboundRules": {

            "Round1Wait": {

                "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ]




    "Team.TakeControl": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],

        "select-1": {

            "select": "*",

            "restrict": [ "ctrl.userID", "ctrl.loginName" ]



    "Team.ReleaseControl": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],

        "select-1": {

            "select": "*",

            "restrict": [ "ctrl.userID", "ctrl.loginName" ]



    "Team.GetStatus": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "result": {

            "default": "p,t,pr"



    "Data.Select": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ]


    "Data.Update": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ],

        "audit": {

            "g": false,

            "i": true,

            "o": true,

            "s": true



    "Data.ExecuteQuery": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ],

        "allowed-0": [ "login4\\areas", "login4\\regions", "login4\\sessions", "login4\\teams" ],

        "restrict-3": [ "prohibitedQueryNameHere" ]


    "Document.Select": {

        "defaultTextEncoding": "utf-16"


    "Document.Create": {

        "~allowFileExt": [ ],

        "denyFileExt": [ ".exe", ".com", ".cmd", ".bat", ".ps1" ],

        "~allowContentType": [ ],

        "denyContentType": [ "application/x-msdownload" ],

        "maxContentLength": 0,

        "defaultTextEncoding": "utf-16"


    "Document.Update": {

        "allowedRoles": [ 1, 2, 3 ]


    "Document.Delete": {


    "Document.Download": {




1 Answer

0 votes
by (16.8k points)

Your json is missing the starting and ending curly brackets:


    "policies": {

         "Framework.DataContext": {

            "connectionString": "Server=ServerName;Database=DateBaseName;Integrated Security=sspi;"



Now you can update the file like this:

$pathToJson = "F:\Path\To\JSON\file.json"

$a = Get-Content $pathToJson | ConvertFrom-Json

$a.policies.'Framework.DataContext'.connectionString = "Server=ServerName;Database=DateBaseName;Integrated Security=sspi2;"

$a | ConvertTo-Json | set-content $pathToJson

You could also use some Select-Object to get the property:

$connectionString = $a | select -expand policies | select -expand Framework.DataContext 

$connectionString.connectionString = 'Test'

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