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in AWS by (19.1k points)

I'm already using JestClinet for all my CRUD operations on my ES on AWS. Now I'm trying to snapshot my ES as described in

Instead of using another RestClient, I'm wondering if I can use my existing JestClient.

1 Answer

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by (44.4k points)

No, I don’t have it with jestclient, but check this out with Restclient:

String snapshotPath = "/_snapshot/my_repot/snapshot1?wait_for_completion=true";

HttpEntity entity = new NStringEntity("{}", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);

Header header = new BasicHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");


  final AWSSigner awsSigner = new AWSSigner(awsAuthProvider, region, "es",

    () ->;

  final AWSSigningRequestInterceptor requestInterceptor = new AWSSigningRequestInterceptor(awsSigner);

  RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder(HttpHost.create(elasticUrl))

        .setRequestConfigCallback(rcc -> rcc.setSocketTimeout(15 * 60 * 1000))

        .setHttpClientConfigCallback(hacb -> hacb.addInterceptorLast(requestInterceptor))

        .setMaxRetryTimeoutMillis(15 * 60 * 1000)


  response = restClient.performRequest("PUT", snapshotPath, Collections.emptyMap(), entity, header);

  if(200 == response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()) {     

    return true;

  }else {       

    return false;


}catch(IOException e) {

  return false;


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