that will convert the R boolean to a 0 or 1 integer to feed to any of the internal FORTRAN functions.
subroutine standard1 (no,ni,x,y,w,isd,intr,ju,xm,xs,ym,ys,xv,jerr) 989
real x(no,ni),y(no),w(no),xm(ni),xs(ni),xv(ni) 989
integer ju(ni) 990
real, dimension (:), allocatable :: v
allocate(v(1:no),stat=jerr) 993
if( return 994
w=w/sum(w) 994
v=sqrt(w) 995
if(intr .ne. 0)goto 10651 995
ym=0.0 995
y=v*y 996
ys=sqrt(dot_product(y,y)-dot_product(v,y)**2) 996
y=y/ys 997
10660 do 10661 j=1,ni 997
if(ju(j).eq.0)goto 10661 997
xm(j)=0.0 997
x(:,j)=v*x(:,j) 998
xv(j)=dot_product(x(:,j),x(:,j)) 999
if(isd .eq. 0)goto 10681 999
xbq=dot_product(v,x(:,j))**2 999
vc=xv(j)-xbq 1000
xs(j)=sqrt(vc) 1000
x(:,j)=x(:,j)/xs(j) 1000
xv(j)=1.0+xbq/vc 1001
goto 10691 1002