If you do git pull with the code above, and the newest changes don't appear within, but don't have it appear on your git log, then the above are several reasons that might create the problem: Let's assume the following conditions
You can pull changes only if you have pushed: First of all, you must know that others have pushed some changes or not to the remote repository. Unless they only changed in their machine and didn't push it yet, you will never get even a glimpse of those changes within your repository.
Other branch: You probably are not looking at the right branch in your computer. Maybe another user push his change into another branch, which means you wouldn't notice the change as you will be staying within the other branch.
The local machine's uncommited Changes: a pull operation won't succeed unless there have been some local changes; the system might report that there are unsaved changes either that must be committed or stashed.
Merge Conflicts: If there is an unmerged conflict, maybe a pull or fetch was done before and left unmerged, you cannot pull further changes in without clearing those merge conflicts first.
Fetching vs. Pulling:
Using git fetch origin will tell you if there are changes at the remote. The command will fetch changes but brings them not into your present branch.
Use git log origin/your-branch to check after fetching whether the changes actually exist in the remote branch.
Network Problems:
Check your network to make sure that Git can connect to the remote repository. Sometimes, network problems will prevent a pull from working.
Repository Settings:
Verify your remote repository has been correctly configured. You can test this by running:
git remote -v
Troubleshooting Steps:
Run the command: git fetch origin and look for new changes
Then, look through the log of the remote branch with:
git log origin/your-branch
Then, merge them if you locate the changes to the branch with:
git merge origin/your-branch
If it's not yet resolved, look to make sure there are no changes which have not yet been committed with git status then commit resolving any conflicts as well.
These should guide you on the identification of your problem and obtaining changes with your collaborators.