I want to disable the resizable property of a textarea.
Currently, I can resize a textarea by clicking on the bottom right corner of the textarea and dragging the mouse. How can I disable this?
The following CSS rule disables resizing behavior for textarea elements:
textarea { resize: none;}
textarea {
resize: none;
To disable it for some (but not all) textareas, there are a few options:
textarea[name=foo] { resize: none;}
textarea[name=foo] {
#foo { resize: none;}
#foo {
textarea { resize: vertical; /* user can resize vertically, but width is fixed */}
resize: vertical; /* user can resize vertically, but width is fixed */
This property does nothing unless the overflow property is something other than visible, which is the default for most elements. So to use this you must set something like overflow: scroll; Refer to this likk:
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