My question is regarding dynamic By Locators. My Page classes usually look like that:
public class MyPage {
private WebDriver driver;
private By myFixedLocator = By.xpath(".......");
private String myDynamicLoactor = "//div[@id = 'someId']" +
"//div[contains( @class, '<className>')]";
public MyPage(WebDriver driver) {this.driver = driver;}
public AnotherSuperPage getAnotherPage(String className) {
By tmpBy = By.xpath(myDynamicLocator.replace("<className>", className));
return new AnotherSuperPage(driver);
//for example here: childOne and Two are sub classes of AnotherSuperClass
public AnotherChild1Page getChildOne() {return getAnotherPage("childOne");}
public AnotherChild1Page getChildTwo() {return getAnotherPage("childTwo")}
Locators like myDynamicLocator represent elements, they all have similar XPath structure except the one String part. Is there any better way to do this? As far as I understood, the By locators are final and immutable. This is also why I don't use Page Factory, since the @FindBy annotation I can use flexible locator as in the example above. And when I have a By locator, can I get the text inside in a smooth way? because By.toString() gives me the whole information, including "xpath".