I have been trying to extract input addresses from Namecoin transactions using some python code. This code works for regular transactions (where some namecoins are transferred from one address to another); however, this doesn't work on the transactions which have name operations, such as name_new. Here is some code:
raw = namecoind.getrawtransaction(tx_hash)
data = namecoind.decoderawtransaction(raw)
if 'vin' in data:
inputs = data['vin']
for input in inputs:
input_value = input.get('value')
if 'scriptSig' in input:
script_sig_asm = str(input['scriptSig'].get('asm'))
script_sig_parts = script_sig_asm.split(' ')
if len(script_sig_parts) > 1 and (len(script_sig_parts[-1]) == 130
or len(script_sig_parts[-1]) == 66):
public_key_string = script_sig_parts[-1]
recipient_address = NamecoinPublicKey(public_key_string, verify=False).address()
print recipient_address
except Exception, e:
print str(e)
elif len(script_sig_parts) == 1:
print "coinbase transaction input"
#print "Inputs:"
Running this code on a regular transaction works, i,e, we get the recipient address. But running this code for a name operation such as this shows that its a coinbase transaction, that is,
len(script_sig_parts) == 1
is True, and so the recipient_address is empty.
Can anybody point me how I can get the recipient address (in the above transaction, it is: NCAzVGKq8JrsETxAkgw3MsDPinAEPwsTfn) in a Namecoin transaction which involves name operation?