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in SQL by (6.1k points)

I am working on a website, where I use windows authentication in the database.

I suppose that you use the following for SQL authentication:


    <add name="NorthwindContex" 

       connectionString="data source=localhost;

       initial catalog=northwind;persist security info=True; 

       user id=sa;password=P@ssw0rd" 

       providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> 


What is the way to modify this to work with windows authentication?

1 Answer

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by (11.7k points)

In SQL, It is very easy to establish a connection string. 

Actually, you need to replace the username and password with Integrated Security=SSPI;

Therefore the connection string should be:


<add name="NorthwindContex" 

   connectionString="data source=localhost;

   initial catalog=northwind;persist security info=True; 

   Integrated Security=SSPI;" 

   providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> 


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