I have followed following steps to install Hadoop 2.2.0
Steps to build Hadoop bin distribution for Windows:
Add Environment Variables JAVA_HOME, M2_HOME and Platform if not added already. Note : Variable name Platform is case sensitive. And value will be either x64 or Win32 for building on a 64-bit or 32-bit system. Edit Path Variable to add bin directory of Cygwin (say C:\cygwin64\bin), bin directory of Maven (say C:\maven\bin) and installation path of Protocol Buffers (say c:\protobuf).
Now, you just need to install Hadoop and configure it.
Extract hadoop-2.2.0.tar.gz to a folder (say c:\hadoop).
Add Environment Variable HADOOP_HOME and edit Path Variable to add bin directory of HADOOP_HOME (say C:\hadoop\bin).
Configure these Hadoop files:
C:\hadoop\etc\hadoop\ yarn-site.xml
Now, Format namenode, Start HDFS (Namenode and Datanode), Start MapReduce aka YARN (Resource Manager and Node Manager).
Total four separate Command Prompt windows will be opened automatically to run Namenode, Datanode, Resource Manager, Node Manager
Reference: http://www.srccodes.com/p/article/38/build-install-configure-run-apache-hadoop-2.2.0-microsoft-windows-os
If you want to know more about Hadoop, then do check out this awesome video tutorial: