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0 votes
in Web Technology by (7k points)

I have written some code for image capturing using JavaScript/jQuery. Below is the code:

function capture_image(){ 


    var p = webcam.capture();;           

    alert("capture complete "+p); //getting true here

     var img = canvas.toDataURL("image");

    var item_image = img.replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, "") ; 



The item_image prints the base64 format, How to convert that base64 to image and how to use that path in javascript clientside.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (7k points)

You can just create an Image object and put the base64 as its src, including the data:image part like this:

var image = new Image();

image.src = '...';


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0 votes
by (37.3k points)

You can use JavaScript to turn a Base64 string into an image by doing the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <title>Base64 to Image</title>



    <!-- This is where the image will be displayed -->

    <img id="image" src="" alt="Base64 Image" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"/>


        // Your Base64 string goes here (without the "data:image/png;base64," part)

        const base64String = "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";

        // Get the image element

        const imgElement = document.getElementById('image');

        // Create a data URL from the Base64 string

        imgElement.src = `data:image/png;base64,${base64String}`;




0 votes
by (1.1k points)

In order to upload a base64 image to the webpage using javascript, it is possible to create img tag and add base64 image to its src property. Therefore, there is no need to keep them at any of the file paths on the client as one can simply display the image by adding the base64 data url to the image s attribute yes, the image can be displayed with out any file path being used.

Here’s how you can adjust your code:

Step 1: Capture the Image and Show It

Having said that, after you capture the image, the base 64 data should be assigned to the src of an img tag.

function capture_image() {


var p = webcam.capture();;

alert("capture complete " + p); // returns true here

var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

// Create a new image element

var imgElement = document.createElement("img");

imgElement.src = img;

// You may also want to add this image to the DOM to make it visible


alert("Image can now be captured and displayed.");


Step 2: Making Use of Image Path (which is base64 Data)

Since the given base64 string encodes the complete image, it can be used directly in as the image source for src, image tag, canvas or any other tag.

Need for clarification:

Here, the line imgElement.src = img; sets the image source property of image element with id imgElement to the base64 data, which allows the browser to render it as an image.

document.body.appendChild(imgElement); inserts the image in to the document body hence making it appear on the web page.

This method lets you display the image even without saving it in the file system or having to specify any file path.

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