In my PBIX File, I have measures that calculate Revenue, COGS, Gross Margin, etc.
Revenue = Sum(Amt)
More measures that calculate the value for Last year Revenue_LY, COGS_LY, and GM_LY.
Revenue_LY = CALCULATE (
ALL ( 'Date' ),
'Date'[FinYear]= MAX ( 'Date'[FinYear] ) - 1 && 'Date'[FinPeriod] = max('Date'[FinPeriod])
Now I need variance and variance% measures for each which compare data against last year and budget. The amount of measures is just getting too many.
Revenue_CY-LY = CALCULATE([Revenue],KEEPFILTERS(Versions[VersionCode] = "Act")) - CALCULATE([Revenue_LY],KEEPFILTERS(Versions[VersionCode] = "Act"))
Revenue_CY-LY% = IF([Revenue_CY-LY] < 0, -1, 1) *
ABS(DIVIDE([Revenue_CY-LY],[Revenue])) > 99.9,
Is there a way to summarize the measures used. I don't want to create individual measures of each variance.