I have a Visual Studio solution which includes a Test project having Selenium Tests.
(I already have a compilation build triggered by version control checkin (Mercurial))
But I want to have a separate (nightly) Build Configuration which runs the Selenium tests, ideally under MSTest.
I assume I need Selenium Server for this? If so, what's the best way to fire it up before running the tests? Should I do this from the MSBuild script or use a Build Step from Team City itself? Do I need to fire up Cassini\WebDev.WebServer first of all so the following can run:
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "http://localhost:49192/");
I have a Build Server with TeamCity 6.5.1 installed. I have a VS2010 installed.
Surely someone has done this! Desperate for some help here guys. If any one could offer any examples, that would be appreciated.