You can do it like this using AWS KMS. Follow the steps below:
1. Using this documentation create your KMS key: Create Keys
2. Using AWS CLI, you can encrypt your secret and put it into a file:
aws kms encrypt --key-id some_key_id --plaintext "This is the scret you want to encrypt" --query CiphertextBlob --output text | base64 -D > ./encrypted-secret
3. Then upload this file as a part of your Lambda function. You can decrypt the secret and use it.
var fs = require('fs');
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var kms = new AWS.KMS({region:'eu-west-1'});
var secretPath = './encrypted-secret';
var encryptedSecret = fs.readFileSync(secretPath);
var params = {
CiphertextBlob: encryptedSecret
kms.decrypt(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack);
else {
var decryptedSecret = data['Plaintext'].toString();