How can i convert the following Base64 encode binary string into a binary in java. I have seen people doing the same in php using the following code. How to achieve this in java?
$byteArr = "AAAAAEAA";
$maparray = array();
$map = "";
foreach(str_split($byteArr) as $c)
$maparray [] = sprintf("%08b", ord($c));
$map = implode("", $maparray );
Output is $map -> "000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000";
But when i try this in java:
String input = "AAAAAEAA";
String mapArray = "";
for(int b=0;b<input.length();b++){
int asciValueOfChar =(int)toByte.charAt(b);
String binaryInt = Integer.toBinaryString(asciValueOfChar);
String paddedBinaryInt = String.format("%8s", binaryInt);
paddedBinaryInt = paddedBinaryInt.replace(' ', '0');
System.out.println("ASCII Code::"+asciValueOfChar);
System.out.println("Binary of Char::"+binaryInt);
System.out.println("Binary of Padded Char::"+binaryInt);
mapArray = mapArray + paddedBinaryInt ;
System.out.println("Binary Array::"+mapArray);
Output is mapArray -> "0100000101000001010000010100000101000001010001010100000101000001"
The output varies.
How can I achieve the same output?