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in Data Science by (50.2k points)

I am curious why a simple concatenation of two data frames in pandas:

shape: (66441, 1)

dtypes: prediction    int64

dtype: object

isnull().sum(): prediction    0

dtype: int64

shape: (66441, 1)

CUSTOMER_ID    int64

dtype: object

isnull().sum() CUSTOMER_ID    0

dtype: int64

of the same shape and both without NaN values

foo = pd.concat([initId, ypred], join='outer', axis=1)



can result in a lot of NaN values if joined.

(83384, 2)

CUSTOMER_ID    16943

prediction     16943

How can I fix this problem and prevent NaN values from being introduced?

Trying to reproduce it like

aaa  = pd.DataFrame([0,1,0,1,0,0], columns=['prediction'])


bbb  = pd.DataFrame([0,0,1,0,1,1], columns=['groundTruth'])


pd.concat([aaa, bbb], axis=1)

failed e.g. worked just fine as no NaN values were introduced.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (108k points)

There is problem with different index values, so where concat is not able to align is getting the NaN:

aaa  = pd.DataFrame([0,1,0,1,0,0], columns=['prediction'], index=[4,5,8,7,10,12])



4            0

5            1

8            0

7            1

10           0

12           0

bbb  = pd.DataFrame([0,0,1,0,1,1], columns=['groundTruth'])



0            0

1            0

2            1

3            0

4            1

5            1

print (pd.concat([aaa, bbb], axis=1))

    prediction  groundTruth

0          NaN   0.0

1          NaN   0.0

2          NaN   1.0

3          NaN   0.0

4          0.0   1.0

5          1.0   1.0

7          1.0   NaN

8          0.0   NaN

10         0.0   NaN

12         0.0   NaN

So, the solution for this is reset_index if indexes values are not necessary:

aaa.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

bbb.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)



0           0

1           1

2           0

3           1

4           0

5           0



0            0

1            0

2            1

3            0

4            1

5            1

print (pd.concat([aaa, bbb], axis=1))

   prediction  groundTruth

0           0 0

1           1 0

2           0 1

3           1 0

4           0 1

5           0 1

If you are interested in learning Pandas and want to become an expert in Python Programming, then check out this Python Course and upskill yourself.

pandas concat generates nan values
by (140 points)
@vinita I tries this but still it gives me nan values in one of the columns. Here is my code:

 ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown = 'ignore', sparse = False)
 train_x_encoded = pd.DataFrame(ohe.fit_transform(train_x[['model', '
 vehicleType', 'brand']]))
 train_x_encoded.columns = ohe.get_feature_names(['model', 'vehicleType',
 train_x.drop(['model', 'vehicleType', 'brand'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
 train_x = train_x.reset_index(drop = True)
 train_x_encoded = train_x_encoded.reset_index(drop = True)
 train_x_final = pd.concat([train_x_encoded, train_x], axis = 1)

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