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in Data Science by (18.4k points)

I've got a tiny project I'm working on: I'm trying to make a "grading" program that lets you enter the number of exams, the scores for each exam, and then print's the results.

What I'm looking to do:

Enter the number of tests: use that number with the string "Exam #: " to number each test.

I've gotten as far as sticking the input from "Enter the number of tests:" into a list..(looks like [0,1,2,3,4.. etc] now I'm trying to combine each of those list numbers with the above string and nothing I'm trying is working.. suggestions?

This is what I came up with, and its output:

test1 = int(input('How many tests are there? '))

test2 = []

for number in range(test1):


for number2 in test2:

    print('Exam #:' + str(number2))

(inputting "5" here)

Exam #:0

Exam #:1

Exam #:2

Exam #:3

Exam #:4

exactly what I needed!

1 Answer

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by (36.8k points)

Try  this

num_exams = int(input('Enter the number of exams: '))

exam_scores = [int(input(f'Enter score for exam #{n+1}: ')) for n in range(num_exams)]

print(f'Average score: {sum(exam_scores) / num_exams:0.2f}')

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