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in AI and Deep Learning by (50.2k points)
Can anyone tell me what is skolemization in Artificial Intelligence?

2 Answers

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by (107k points)

Skolemization in Artificial Intelligence is a procedure used when there is a requirement of the reduction of any first-order formula to its Skolem normal form. This is usually done when there is a need for proving a theorem by using programming. The main objective here is to ensure that the resultant form will not have any quantifiers. All of the quantifiers are flagged and are replaced with entities called Skolem functions. Not every transformation needs to be done when working with Skolemization, only the necessary ones wherein the scope of which will affect the solution. The first-order resolution provided by Skolemization is highly effective in devising AI models that can operate more efficiently.

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by (1.8k points)

In the field of Artificial Intelligence, Skolemization is a technique used to convert a first-order logical formula into its Skolem normal form in order to best prepare it for automated theorem proving or logic-based programming. The main objective of this method is to eradicate the quantifiers in the formula by replacing them with Skolem functions or constants, however, only those transformations that directly impact the outcome or solution are necessary. By getting rid of quantifiers and substituting them with appropriate entities, Skolemization simplifies the formula, making it more suitable for resolution in AI systems. This technique is particularly advantageous for developing AI models that need efficient logical processing and reasoning, enhancing their capabilities.

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