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in DevOps and Agile by (19.7k points)

I am using Selenium to launch a browser. How can I deal with the webpages (URLs) that will ask the browser to accept a certificate or not?

In Firefox, I may have a website like that asks me to accept its certificate like this:


On the Internet Explorer browser, I may get something like this:

Enter image description here

On Google Chrome:

Google Chrome

I repeat my question: How can I automate the acceptance of a website's certificate when I launch a browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome) with Selenium (Python programming language)?

1 Answer

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by (62.9k points)

Handle Untrusted Certificate Selenium

Step 1-We have to create FirefoxProfile in Selenium.

Step 2- We have a predefined method in Selenium called setAcceptUntrustedCertificates() which accept Boolean values(true/false)- so we will make it true.

Step 3-Open Firefox browser with the above-created profile.

Handle untrusted certificate in Firefox

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile;


public class SSLCertificate {


public static void main(String[] args) {


//It create firefox profile

FirefoxProfile profile=new FirefoxProfile();


// This will set the true value



// This will open  firefox browser using above created profile

WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver(profile); 

driver.get("pass the url as per your requirement"); 


Since Firefox comes default browser in Selenium so for another browser like Chrome we have to use the below technique.

Handle untrusted certificate in Chrome

 // Create object of DesiredCapabilities class


// Set ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS  variable to true

cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true);

// Set the driver path

System.setProperty("","Chrome driver path");

// Open browser with capability

WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver(cap);

 // Create object of DesiredCapabilities class



// Set ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS  variable to true

cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true);


// Set the driver path

System.setProperty("","Chrome driver path");


// Open browser with capability

WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver(cap);

I hope, this helps you handle unauthorized certifications! 

If you are interested to learn Selenium on a much deeper level and want to become a professional in the testing domain, check out Intellipaat’s automation testing certification!
