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0 votes
in Azure by (13.1k points)
I have an ARM template through which I can able to select pricing tier, but it select only for VMs. It want to have a SQL servers and app services as well. Can anyone help me how can I able to add those services in my template?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (26.7k points)

You can try the following code. It is a very simple template.


"$schema": "",

"contentVersion": "",

"parameters": {

    "pricing": {

        "type": "string",

        "allowedValues": [






"resources": [


        "type": "Microsoft.Security/pricings",

        "apiVersion": "2017-08-01-preview",

        "name": "default",

        "properties": {

            "pricingTier": "[parameters('pricing')]"




        "type": "Microsoft.Security/pricings",

        "apiVersion": "2018-06-01",

        "name": "SqlServers",

        "dependsOn": [



        "properties": {

            "pricingTier": "[parameters('pricing')]"




        "type": "Microsoft.Security/pricings",

        "apiVersion": "2018-06-01",

        "name": "AppServices",

        "dependsOn": [



        "properties": {

            "pricingTier": "[parameters('pricing')]"




        "type": "Microsoft.Security/pricings",

        "apiVersion": "2018-06-01",

        "name": "VirtualMachines",

        "dependsOn": [



        "properties": {

            "pricingTier": "[parameters('pricing')]"




I hope this will help.

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