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in SQL by (6.1k points)

I transpose my SQL Paging class from the C# to the MySQL Stored Procedure.

In my C# home-made object, the query is dynamically built based off criteria. 


if(keywords is not null)
  whereClause += "WHERE description LIKE '%keywords%'"
if(price is not null)
  whereClause += "AND price = '%price%'"


string query = "SELECT col1, col2 FROM tblThreads " + whereClause

So how can I able to do a dynamic where clause in MySQL like this? Or preferably, if they don't enter anything for those parameters, how would I tell MySQL in the Stored Procedure to skip those? IE:

SELECT col1, col2 FROM tblThreads

Would something similar to work, if those parameters were null?

SELECT col1, col2 FROM tblThreads WHERE (IS NULL @keywords OR description like '%@keywords%'

1 Answer

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by (12.7k points)
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The simplest way if you are allowing them to query the entire database is to simply add a 1 = 1 to your statement something like below:

whereClause = "WHERE 1 = 1"

if(keywords is not null)
 whereClause += "AND description LIKE '%keywords%'"
if(price is not null)
 whereClause += "AND price = '%price%'"

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