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in BI by (11.1k points)

I was trying to change the measures using the slicer in the Power Bi Desktop. There are few examples which I found, They have created a table which have ID and measure names and they have created a switch function as shown in the below example

Measure Value = SWITCH(
                            MIN('Dynamic'[Measure ID]) ,
                            1,[Max Temp],
                            2,[Min Temp],
                            3,[Air Pressure],
                            5,[Wind Speed],


Dynamic is a group which contain ID and Measure names 

Measure ID | Measure Name
1          |  Max Temp
2          |  Min Temp
3          |  Air Pressure
4          |  Rainfall
5          |  Wind Speed 

But here I am having some many columns and cannot convert into the measures one by one

Is there anyway to solve it? 

1 Answer

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by (22.5k points)
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You should able to unpivot all the data which looks like this

ID | ColumnName   | Value
1  | Max Temp     |
1  | Min Temp     |
1  | Air Pressure |
1  | Rainfall     |
1  | Wind Speed   |
1  | Humidity     |

and then create a calculated field Dynamic which can be use as a slicer

Dynamic = DISTINCT ( Unpivoted[ColumnName] ) 

Now use measure 

SwitchingMeasure = 
VAR ColName = SELECTEDVALUE ( Dynamic[ColumnName] )

    CALCULATE ( [BaseMeasure], Unpivoted[ColumnName] = ColName ) 

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asked Mar 28, 2021 in BI by Chris (11.1k points)

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